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Posted on: 06/02/2023

Assembly WC 06/02/23

Welcome! Every week you will see a new post informing you about what our Staff Led assemblies are about. At Thames Park both staff and students have a social resonsibility to deliver an assembly about a chosen topic, whether that be about one of our core values, events that may be currently happening or a choice of their own!

This weeks assembly is about Employability. Having transferrable or soft skills will make you more likely to be a reliable employee in the future, who works well with colleagues and who is capable of using initiative to find a way round problems and get tasks done. Let's have a look at how you can develop these skills now and how these skills are embedded and practiced in your subject lessons. We look forward to hearing all about our student's future career aspects and aiding them on how to reach these goals effectively!

Written by TForeman